The World Transformation Movement


The World Transformation Movement’s international network of Centers promote Australian biologist and author Jeremy Griffith’s reconciling, redeeming and rehabilitating explanation of our species’ psychologically troubled human condition - which is fully presented at This is THE breakthrough understanding of human behavior that enables the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life, bringing about a truly transformed world! So Let’s Go!!

“I have no doubt Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the human condition is the holy grail of insight we have sought for the psychological rehabilitation of the human race.”

Professor Harry Prosen, a former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association

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  • Jeff Palon, the founder of the WTM Seattle Center, was an airline pilot for a number of years, worked in computer programming, and now builds homes for a living. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Western Washington University.

    Read Jeff's transcript

The Origin of our Moral Soul

Bonobo Mother Ardipithecines Mother lovingly holding infant

“The moral sense perhaps affords the best and highest distinction between man and the lower animals.”

Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man

Prior to biologist Jeremy Griffith providing the real explanation of, and thus defence of, our divisive human condition, humans relied on the false excuse that we have ‘savage’ competitive, selfish and aggressive instincts like other animals. However, the truth, which we can now admit, is that humans actually have cooperative, selfless and loving moral instincts, the ‘voice’ or expression of which is our conscience. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau recognised, “Nothing is more gentle than man in his primitive state” (The Social Contract and Discourses). And to have acquired our altruistic moral instinctive nature, it follows that our distant ancestors must have been cooperative, selfless and loving, not competitive, selfish and aggressive like other animals.

Read how the nurturing-based ‘Love-Indoctrination’ process produced our species’ cooperative instincts.

FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition

The culmination of a 40-year enquiry into the human condition, Jeremy Griffith’s book FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition is an honest and penetrating analysis of the origin of our species’ competitive, selfish and aggressive behaviour, the result of which is the redeeming and transforming insight into our lives that humankind has always sought.


Book cover of FREEDOM: The End of the Human Condition by Jeremy Griffith - World Transformation Movement

“I have recommended his [Griffith’s] more recent work to my students precisely for his razor-sharp clarifications of positions of contemporary authors like Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, and Robert Wright. Griffith manages to summarize book-length expositions of these oftentimes obtuse and varying perspectives on human evolution with clarity and brilliance.”

Professor Scott D. Churchill, a former Chair of the Psychology Department, University of Dallas

“I am stunned & honored to have lived to see the coming of ‘Darwin II’.”

Professor Stuart Hurlbert, esteemed ecologist and Professor Emeritus of Biology at San Diego State University

“Solving the ‘human condition’ has the power to end all of the suffering because it deals with the fundamental insecurity that drives all of human psychosis. FREEDOM has to be the most important book ever written.”

Tim Macartney-Snape, AM OAM, Australian biologist & world-renowned mountaineer

“Many biologists and psychologists, sociologists, academic researchers speak of the pieces of a universal understanding, which addresses our human turmoil, but Jeremy Griffith has put all this research together into a complete and compassionate understanding. And with this appreciation of ourselves and our species, we can move forward, all of us together, to save ourselves and our home, this planet!”

Veronica Ciccosanti Pistilli, WTM East Stroudsburg founder

“If you want answers that can end all wars, stop all racism, and create an incredible understanding between men and women, this is the book for you. If you want nature to be properly protected, the political divide to be healed, and dogmatic ideologies to be erased, this is the solution. From this understanding, depression, anxiety, and all forms of suffering can slowly be eliminated from Earth forever.”

Dustin Hull, WTM Tampa founder

“Every question I ever had throughout my lifetime was answered by this wonderful man, author, hero, Jeremy Griffith! He has done a massive amount of research to help me understand how and why we behave the way we do. I’m able to absolutely forgive everyone throughout history and the amount of love I feel now is powerfully overwhelming! Read this book!”

Pamela Fairbanks, WTM Richmond founder

“Jeremy Griffith has clearly explained scientifically what is happening in our minds. He’s explained the psychological problem of our conflicted capacity for good and evil, and revealed that we are good and not bad! We really are the heroes of the history of humanity!”

Juan Ubeira, WTM New York founder

“When I discovered this, it gave me so much peace and hope for me, my family, my kids, and humanity! The more you study this, the more everything and everyone just makes sense. We are part of something that can truly bring peace to individuals and lay the groundwork for healing humanity! It is true freedom.”

Robert Dunleavy, WTM Morgantown founder

“After witnessing the powerfully transformative force of understanding, the value of Jeremy Griffith’s illuminating information is undeniable. It moves mountains and is a blessing without end.”

May Gibbs, WTM Phoenix founder

“When understanding of the human condition catches on, and it will catch on, it’s going to be like a firestorm. This will heal the world like nothing else will, transforming mankind and fulfilling the whole human journey!”

Bob Montefusco, WTM Plattsburgh founder

“This has changed my life…it is the holy grail for the transformation of the human race on this planet.”

Gerry St Onge, WTM Philadelphia founder

Read more Commendations from Thought Leaders & Endorsements from WTM Center Founders from all around the world!

MUST, MUST WATCH: Craig Conway, the acclaimed British actor, writer, producer and broadcaster — and the founder of WTM North East England Centre — has brought all his skills to bear to produce the ideal introduction to Jeremy Griffith’s explanation of the human condition in this absolutely astonishing, world-changing and world-saving interview with Jeremy. It’s called ‘THE’ Interview because in it Jeremy gives such a concise and accessible summary of his world-saving explanation of the human condition that it’s nothing less than the most important interview of all time!

WTM Global Network

Alongside the original WTM Centre in Sydney, Australia, World Transformation Movement Centres are being established around the world to help bring to everyone the now desperately needed all-relieving and all-explaining biological understanding of the underlying issue in all of human life of our troubled human condition.

Visit the WTM’s Community page to learn more about the formation of these Centres. You can access the following examples of WTM Centre websites by clicking on their images below.

South Pacific WTM Albury website

WTM Tweed Heads
founded by Colleen Fryar

website under construction

UK & Ireland World Transformation Movement Bolton website

WTM Manchester
founded by Rob Hannay

website under construction

WTM Plymouth
founded by Nick Rule

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WTM Truro
founded by John Nichol

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WTM Bialystok
founded by Mariusz Zaleski

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WTM Frankfurt
founded by Susanne Supper

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WTM Obdach
founded by Michi (Michael) Bärnthaler

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WTM Slovenia
founded by Ales Flisar

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WTM Ethiopia
founded by Tibebe Hailegiorgis

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WTM Kimberley
founded by Alfred Khaziwa

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